
Build The Best Free Instagram Automation Bot of 2019 in 15 Minutes

No coding experience necessary. This guide shows you how to automate instagram likes, follows, and comments across 25 accounts for free. You can use this for easy guerrilla marketing, growing your small business from cold start on auto-pilot, or for spreading any other message. I’ve combined all the best bots you can build here to grow up to 50–200 followers per day. It only takes about 15 minutes to copy these commands into google cloud servers and run the bot. If you’d ...


5G將引領電子產業進一步升級 22:022019/02/16 工商(shāng) 吳瑞達 證券市場紅週刊2月16日報導,電子產業即將進入新(xīn)一波創新(xīn)階段,科(kē)技巨頭正在5G、物(wù)聯網和AI等技術方向擴大布局,引領技術潮流。 新(xīn)的巨頭順勢而上,超越前代龍頭的核心在於:一、自研加收購獲得技術,構築產業尖端技術壁壘;二、自建和收購高端產能(néng),利用(yòng)技術和產能(néng)優勢搶佔市場比重;三、充分(fēn)利用(yòng)管理(lǐ)層卓越的策略眼光,引領產業風潮。 從5G影響的時間節點上看,基地台建設先行,印製電路...